Joyful Julie!

I pride myself on usually being a pretty positive person. It just makes things easier (side note-I’m also ridiculously sensitive at times so dejected broodiness doesn’t count). But one day in Rio was testing my powers of patience.

Before arriving, when I told anyone my plans to be in Rio staying on Copacabana Beach alone, I got nothing but “that look.” You know the one that says, “poor American girl, didn’t do her research. She’s going to bet mugged.” Even my own mother said, “we’ll just pray that you’ll be ok.” Geez mom, thanks for the comforting words!

After almost getting got by the taxi folks in the airport, I was whisked into the city by a cab driver who apparently thought I was casting for Fast and Furious part 17. Considering my driving habits are most akin to a 45 year old soccer mom with 3 kids in the back, I was terrified.

But thankfully (and as they always do) my travel group came through. There was someone else visiting from California staying literally one block from me and she was hanging out with a “local.” I put that in quotes because this woman is the definition of worldly. Calling her local seems to minimize her story! Born in France, raised in Martinique, grew up in Canada, moved to Brazil to translate and is just a hostess with the mostess! Anyway, I digress-she took us to Lapa and I was able to settle my nerves with conversation, pepperoni pizza and a giant beer.

The next morning, I was feeling a bit braver with Rio.  I had a tour planned to see Christ the Redeemer and St. Teresa and all the touristy stuff and it was going to be a great day! #liverejoicing and all that….well it was a bit tougher than I thought it would be.

9am is the meet up time and I’m pumped! I get there at 8:55-just in case. But after about 10 minutes of waiting, nothing. Thinking I may have missed it, I called the company…9:30 they said. Ok. No problem, time to get breakfast! REJOICE! So I get back at 9:25 expecting to see a group of some sort. No such luck, but I’m not too worried.  Ten…fifteen minutes later I call again. Oh, we’re just running late. We’ll be there. Well, at least I’m not late! Rejoice!

Two. Hours. Later. The guide finally shows up with a flurry of profanity and life stories about his 2nd divorce and how his 10 year old has tits; it was enough to make anyone a bit uncomfortable. Add in him telling a story peppered with the N word left me not too thrilled with this particular tour. Not to mention, it was so cloudy, there was no way we were going to see much of the monuments and city anyway.

But thank goodness for Joyful Julie.

Julie was from Belfast. What a relief to hear such a familiar accent! It made me think of my family in Derry, Ireland and gave me such a sense of peace! As we approached the day, she laughed off the (really bad) jokes and comments of the guide and came up with a positive response all day! Her phone was stolen on her first day in Rio but now she has more time to experience things instead of keeping her nose in a phone. As we drove up and the concern was that we wouldn’t be able to see Christ the Redeemer, she said, “it’s probably better this way, since no one really knows what he looks like anyway!”

And when we got there, as predicted, Jesus was covered in clouds. You could sort to make out his form but that was about it. Julie quipped, “everyone comes on a clear day! We’re the lucky ones who get to experience something different.” God, I needed that girl.

I took a breath, thanked the universe for my presence and my day. Looked up at this amazing wonder of the world and started my descent when people started shouting. And as all horror movies teach you, I, the one Black girl, headed straight towards it!

Thank goodness I did! Literally, the clouds parted for exactly 15 seconds. I got my picture with Jesus! By the time I looked at it, realized I looked hideous and tried to redo, the moment was gone. He was back in the clouds.


We left and went to see a few other places in Rio. What an interesting city. The rich are really rich and the poor are really poor. It seems to me, from the outside, that it’s really hard to move up in class-if you’re born in the favelas, you’ll stay in the favelas. It’s equally beautiful and heartbreaking.

I got back to my hotel and tried to wrap my head around all that the day was. And smiled. Thank you Joyful Julie (and Fun Fran). You got me through that day!


Today’s lessons :)

(Note: I thought this posted on Sunday, so it’s a bit out of order!) 

I woke up this morning so excited for the adventure, I posted a “thank you and I’m out” message to my amazing travel group and was greeted with over 100 likes and comment and well wishes! 

I checked and double checked everything. Registered with the Embassy, made sure I had copies of my passport and everything I needed, checked in for my flight for tomorrow and then went to check in today!

Only then did I see that dreaded message, FLIGHT DELAYED! At 10am, my 6pm was already delayed by 10 minutes. This can’t be good…but I had too much to do! I had to send the final copy to my awesome 5 Minute Call intern, Alex. I had to re pack (for the 37th time) and I had to check Facebook for like three hours…no time for stress! 

And of course, as I was headed to the airport, mom praying and repeating her favorite saying, “Be careful for nothing” I get a phone call from American. “Ms. Stovall, we regret to inform you that your flight has been delayed by 45 minutes (I only had 50 for the connection) but don’t worry, we’ll keep an eye on your connecting flights and let you know if there are any issues.”


I jumped on my trusty phone and went to Google Flights to find a solution! Luckily I was headed to the airport two hours before flight time-I had previously never been a big advocate of that much time, but I’m thankful today! At exactly 4pm I walked my little self right over to the desk and told the gate agent my issue. She started to suggest getting in the next day, but that wasn’t an option so I asked for the 4:45 Delta to Atlanta and then to SP  and without a bit of hassle she said “Sure! Now run over toDelta and get yourself checked in!” 
I may have lost my exit row seat….grrrrr….but at least i didn’t lose a day of Brazil!!

I’m out!! 

Live rejoicing

Hello! This is going to be a great day! 

A few months ago I went with some amazing friends (Braden, Jacob, Brandon & Marcus) to New Orleans Jazz Fest. And it was awesome! Stupidly delicious food, great music, and the most amazing vacation from life ever. At that time I was tits deep into my 2nd divorce, I was having issues with my money maker (my voice…come on people!) and let’s just say times were rough. 

But thank God for the gospel tent. 

It was Sunday and we had been on a partying spree. Partially as a joke, I said, “We need Jesus today, let’s go into the gospel tent.” Jacob, born and raised in NOLA, said, “I bet I know all the songs, let’s go!” So we’re having a good time and the set is ending with a song we all know, Oh Happy Day. Never the one to back down from a singalong, I chime in we’re all singing and dancing and getting our 1996 Sister Act 2 lives, and next thing I know, I’m boo hoo sobbing (a common theme in this time in my life). 

And it hit me. 


After all those years in Sunday School, VBS, Revival, 2 hours of church service every week, how had I not figured it out? After we fight and after we pray, we are supposed to be alive and rejoicing. Every single day. Not just content with our surrounding. Not just thankful the hangover is gone-though I am rejoicing after the particularly bad ones. We have to LIVE REJOICING. EVERY DAY. 

Today from my cozy bed in Brazil, I woke up to see some Facebook posts that really inspired me. A girl in one travel group is raising money to bike Toronto for MS as a tribute to her father who passed away. In another group a woman with polio who relies on crutches to walk posted, while on one vacation, that she’s looking for a companion for her next because physically she can’t do it all alone, but she’s definitely gonna do it! 

Thank you ladies for the reminder. I’m getting out of bed (and off Facebook) and I’m headed out to live rejoicing. I am so thankful for the ability to travel and see the world and so on this day I will REJOICE AND BE GLAD! 


Hello world….indeed!


And I’m off!

It’s been a lovely almost three year run with national tour of The Book of Mormon! The second to last thing we sing in the show is “this Book will change your life” and my oh my did it! I was introduced to some amazing people and had the chance to see so much in our beautiful country! And I figured, if all of this is here, I can’t imagine what’s out there! So, I’m gonna go see!

For the next six months, I’m headed to a city near (or far from) you! The concept of “plans” is such a joke in my life, but for lack of a better word, here’s my “plan”:

Sao Paulo and Rio, Brazil

Abu Dhabi and Dubai, UAE

Oslo, Norway

Copenhagen, DK

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Brussels, Belgium

Frankfurt, Bad Durkheim, Berlin & Munich, Germany

Prague, CZ

Paris, Indiana (that was a joke)

Reykjavik, Iceland

Nairobi, Kenya

Zanzibar, Tanzania

Tokyo, Japan

Bali, Indonesia

Caye Caulker and Dangriga, Belize

all over Guadeloupe

London, England

St. Croix, VI

undecided in Morocco

So if you’re out there, I’m coming to see you! And if you’re back here, stop by to see what I see 🙂


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